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Light breakfasts:6 quick and healthy recipes for busy mornings

We tell you and we tell you again:breakfast it is the most important meal of the day. The one that should not be skipped. And yet... 1 out of 5 French people does not take the time to eat in the morning. Some have no appetite and others prefer to scrounge for twenty more minutesin bed rather than taking that time to eat. However, it is very important to swallow something before facing a new day. Taking this time is ensuring a day in which you will have a lot of energy . And be careful, a simple coffee does not serve as breakfast . When we say breakfast, we think of eggs, avocado toast or granola bowls . On the other hand, no more Nutella sandwiches or bowls of cereals that are too sweet.

Eat in the morning for a great day

Still need convincing? Eating breakfast improves memory and concentration . This is due in particular to the fall in glucose levels (sugar) in the blood at night. Result:waking up our organs need to be stimulated (the brain, in particular which works with glucose). Except that, if we only give him water or coffee , your brain will drain you of all your energy remaining since he will be too busy asking for glucose. By eating breakfast you also reduce the risk of deficiencies since you give your body essential nutrients for its proper functioning. In addition, a good breakfast avoids cravings at 10:30 a.m. and therefore prevents you from gaining weight .

We see coming those who have the excuse of lack of time in the morning. This is not a valid excuse. Go to bed twenty minutes earlier to wake up twenty minutes earlier . Enjoy a breakfast , in the early morning, with the whole city still sleeping is something very beneficial for your mood, your health and your energy. You have everything to gain . The hardest thing is to start, the rest will follow. In the meantime, here's something to give you some inspiration and make your mouth water.