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Avocado:9 tips to make it ripen (much) faster!

These lawyers are very nice! Problem when buying them they are most often hard as stone. So we try them all like dozens of people before us in the hope of finding the one most ready to be consumed. But no, not one to stand out!

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Resigned, we then put them in our basket, saying to ourselves that “it doesn’t matter”, we will wait. Too bad because this salad would have deserved the presence of the fruit of the avocado tree and what about this taste of guacamole that we already had in the mouth. But let's not get frustrated for nothing because it is quite possible to ripen an avocado in a few minutes. How? 'Or' What ? Answers in our slideshow.

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Long disparaged and chased away from slimming menus and recipes, the lawyer clearly knew how to plead his case to be rehabilitated with great fanfare! Because if this fruit does not make you lose weight because of its high caloric content, there is a BUT! Indeed, if you are vigilant in the way you consume it,it will prove to be a perfect ally in our slimming quest . Because imagine that the avocado, by its exceptional richness in soluble and insoluble fibers, is one of the most formidable appetite suppressants. Indeed, according to an American study published in January 2014 in the Nutrition Journal , eating half an avocado at noon would prevent cravings during the afternoon by reducing the feeling of hunger by 40% in the 3 hours following lunch.

So eat it for example, don't feel you have to season it with oil. A pinch of salt, fresh pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice or balsamic vinegar will do the trick! As for the guacamole , replace the crème fraîche with 0% yogurt or liquid soy cream. Likewise, because it contains good fats that activate the body's anti-inflammatory processes as well as vitamin E that thins blood circulation, avocado is a perfect ally in the fight against cellulite. And we love it!