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Recipes with cinnamon:12 ideas for cooking this miraculous spice for health!

Cinnamon, we can't get enough of it! This spice, which flavors desserts, can be used in both sweet and savory dishes during the winter. Indeed, with its very sweet taste and fragrant smell, it enchants our taste buds and that's good, since it has many virtues !

Indeed, in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, cinnamon is considered the flagship remedy against cold diseases . This spice therefore seems to be a real health ally, which helps us to actively fight the feeling of cold and the diseases that result from it. Very good reasons to sprinkle it in all our dishes!

Cinnamon recipes:what are the benefits of cinnamon?

Cinnamon has a high content of cinnamic aldehyde, a powerful anti-fungal, antiviral and antiparasitic. It can then help us to fight colds and other flu-like conditions . Likewise, its antibacterial properties make it an excellent remedy for sore throat. In addition, cinnamon, renowned for its anti-aging properties, protects against aging, thanks to its high content of antioxidants, and in particular tannins. These help the body to fight against free radicals, responsible for the aging of our cells.

Recipe ideas:how to cook cinnamon?

With its subtle taste and smell, cinnamon can be used in all dishes , but also in beverages. In the dessert department, we never get tired of it. When preparing rice pudding, apple pie or pumpkin pie, add cinnamon to spice it up. In pancakes, hot chocolate or muffins, this spice will add sweetness and wrap you in happiness!