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Does magnetic therapy really work?

What is it?

Magnetic therapy is a very popular alternative medicine in Japan. It is not recognized in France and none of the studies carried out have been able to demonstrate an effect greater than the placebo effect. However, it has been used for years in certain French hospitals:the Sainte-Anne hospital and the Pitié Salpêtrière, in Paris. There is therefore no great risk in trying, two magnets cost less than 15 €, and it is without danger.

What does it heal?

The use of magnets relaxes contracted muscles and boosts the secretion of endorphins (the hormone of well-being, natural analgesic), to relieve muscle pain, but also joint, rheumatic, back pain, migraine pain, etc. These indications are the most frequently cited. The magnets would also be effective in consolidating fractures, treating depressive states, anxiety and stress, fighting against insomnia and fatigue. And, more generally, they stimulate our blood and nervous systems and help rebalance our energies.

How is it used?

We wear the magnets a few hours a day or all the time, depending on the ailments and the places to be treated. They are found in the form of bracelets, rings or earrings, caps, neck braces, knee pads, vests (yes, yes), soles, patches to stick directly on the skin, cushions, and more… To discover, the site http ://, which offers an impressive selection of products.