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5 received ideas (or not) about pregnancy #2

1/ When you're pregnant, your libido jumps.

Finally, it seems… Because for the moment, we have rather very, very want to sleep, us! Doctor's advice*? "It depends on the woman. All the hormones are on the rise, but they don't produce the same result in all of them:some may suffer from vaginal dryness. “It’s cheerful… Especially since the progesterone secreted at the start of pregnancy would rather make you want to sleep. Key period to take advantage of the increase in your hormones under the duvet, the second trimester, because you are less tired and not yet bothered by our kilos. The icing on the strudel:the congestion of the small pelvis, due to the increase in arterial and venous circulation, causes an influx of blood into the vagina (also better lubricated), which promotes orgasm. In the third trimester, it gets more complicated on the position side, big belly obliges. We zap the missionary in favor of lateral positions (spoon or face to face). The important thing in all of this is to keep in touch!

2/ Eat raw, never!

" You're crazy ! You're not going to eat that sushi! " Oh really why ? And raw vegetables, can I? Doctor's opinion. "True. Sushi can contain the bacteria that causes listeriosis, harbor a food parasite – anisakiasis – that causes stomach pain and, like any oily fish, accumulate too much lead. From the beginning of pregnancy, we avoid them, or we consume them very fresh and in a truly exceptional way. Tartars present risks of toxoplasmosis or salmonella, raw milk cheeses and charcuterie risks of listeriosis. Also be careful with seafood, which sometimes contains germs that can cause a high fever. As for vegetables, it is only if they are well washed, because they may have been soiled by cats or other animals. Ditto for fruits that grow near the ground. »

3/ If you have desires, that means something.

Not stupid, this baby! Barely conceived, he already sends us messages to claim his ration of meat or chocolate. As needed, iron and magnesium, for its growth, we do not see why we would go against its will... The doctor's opinion. »False. It is not at all proven, for example, that a craving for milk is linked to a lack of calcium. It was also believed for a long time that a thwarted desire would be seen on the baby, the famous birthmark. A pure myth! »

4/ The only sport allowed is walking.

Oh no ! And my Gymnasium subscription then, I make confetti? Doctor's opinion. " False. You can keep jogging, but only if you can talk while running. Above all, we limit ourselves during the first trimester and at the end of pregnancy, when the belly is very big. “On the other hand, we stop all sports that expose people to blows and falls (riding, step, team sports, etc.). On the other hand, no problem to take up swimming, yoga, gentle gymnastics, aquagym. It is even highly recommended.

5/ Radio waves are bad for babies.

We are not going to do without a laptop. And oven, and computer and… The doctor's opinion. “Difficult to answer. Because we are still in the middle of a debate on the question. If in doubt, I would say limit cellphone calls and wifi usage. Or use a headset. And if you keep your phone close at hand, you avoid placing it against your stomach.

*Thanks to doctor Jean-Sylvain Pagès, gynecologist.