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5 received ideas (or not) about pregnancy #1

1/Bah, a field cut from time to time, it doesn't hurt.

Fiesta with friends, pot at the office, romantic dinner... It's hard to avoid the temptation in the long run, especially since we would like, like the future father, to be able to toast to the good news, even moderately. It's really a good idea ? Doctor's opinion*. "False. No one really knows where the danger threshold is. We are in the era of the precautionary principle, or zero tolerance during pregnancy. But, if we drank a glass or two of champagne before knowing that we were pregnant, there is no need to dramatize. Now that we know it, we avoid drinking. »

2/Cesarean section is safer than natural delivery.

Practiced each time there is danger for the mother or the child (baby too big, premature, badly positioned…) and also sometimes at the request of the mothers, for comfort (no episiotomy and perineal problems) or out of fear of natural childbirth, cesarean section is increasingly popular. Safe ? Doctor's opinion. " True and false. Cesarean section involves an epidural or general anesthesia. The operative complications of surgery are always higher than those of natural delivery. And if the caesarean section protects the most fragile babies, it also protects the obstetrician above all from possible legal proceedings! It also allows her to better manage her schedule... And as a bonus, it costs the social security more than a normal delivery."

3/ Getting toxoplasmosis is extremely rare.

Especially if you don't have a cat at home or a dwarf rabbit... The doctor's opinion. “False. When you are not already immune, the risk of contracting the parasite is greatest when in contact with litter or soil soiled with feces (sandbox, garden, etc.). No need to give away your cat, just delegate the chore of the litter box if you can and above all wash your hands well afterwards. We also thoroughly clean raw vegetables before eating them and only eat meat if it is super cooked.

4/Pregnant, you have to eat for two.

This is what we are told (especially our mother…) and also what we say to ourselves to justify our recent cravings! Doctor's opinion. “True, for quality, if by that we mean eating better, that is to say a balanced diet that provides the baby with everything he needs. And false for the quantity. All intestinal absorptions are increased during pregnancy. There is no need to eat more. » A balanced diet means 2 to 4 servings of protein every day (1 serving =approximately 60 to 80 g), 2 servings of vegetables, 3 or 4 servings of dairy products, 3 servings of fruit and 6 to 7 servings of cereals , if possible complete (brown rice, bulgur, whole wheat, oat flakes…). And as iron or calcium needs are increased during pregnancy, we supplement if necessary with vitamins on medical prescription.

5/ The plane, after 3 months, is nothing

Which would be a shame, because Paris-Buenos aires by train is going to be complicated. We will perhaps forget the holidays in Argentina then… The doctor's opinion. " False. Companies generally refuse to board a pregnant woman after the 7th month of pregnancy. "In general", because the pilot remains the only master on board, he can refuse a passenger whose pregnancy seems too advanced, even before this term. It should still be remembered that pregnant women have more phlebitis than others, especially after 3 to 4 hours of flight. So, if you really have to fly, you ask your doctor for advice, who can prescribe low-dose aspirin or the wearing of compression tights. The ideal? To travel by train. The car is safe (unless there is a threat of premature delivery) provided you travel less than 300 km per day and stop every hour. To stretch your legs a bit...

*Thanks to doctor Jean-Sylvain Pagès, gynecologist