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5 received ideas (or not) about pregnancy #4

With the epidural, you won't hurt at all

We would take full advantage of the event without depriving ourselves of sensations. The Holy Grail? Doctor's opinion*. "True... When it's set right!" And since we do not do an epidural before dilation of the cervix by 3 to 4 cm and we are not immune to a contraindication at the last moment, we do not zap our preparation exercises at childbirth. Otherwise, it still sucks before she acts. Have to be honest.

Breasts melt after childbirth. They are even smaller than before!

Really ? Even if they are a little painful at the moment, we care about them! And we don't really want to go from cup B to A... The doctor's opinion. " True and false. There really is no rule on the matter, and especially no explanation on this phenomenon. “The fault of no luck, what.

Cavities at the dentist, it's without anesthesia!

Doctor's opinion. “Wrong, but we use Lidocaine (Xylocaine) without adrenaline. So, it's always good to see your dentist at the beginning of pregnancy, to detect any cavities or infections of the gums, which are more sensitive during this period because of a greater blood supply. We take the opportunity to change toothbrushes (more flexible) and start using mouthwashes.

You can hurt the baby when you make love

Now the future father refuses to touch us, on the pretext that he does not want to risk upsetting the divine child. It's possible, right? Doctor's opinion. "False. No risk, even with deep penetration because the penis slides behind the cervix and uterus and the baby is perfectly protected by the placenta and amniotic fluid. “Oh well, I told you so! Honey, where are you?

Household products are harmful to the baby

No way am I touching dishwashing liquid, it's bad for the baby! Doctor's opinion. "True and false. Only volatile products (in cans or sprays) should be avoided, as well as those with the mention "toxic" on the packaging. " Which means ? We can continue to use the aspirator without risk, but for the rest, we remind the happy father that according to the European Journal of Respirology, "the repeated use of household products by a pregnant woman would reduce the respiratory capacity of her child." By the way, we cut out the article and tape it to the broom cupboard.

*Thanks to doctor Jean-Sylvain Pagès, gynecologist