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What if math allowed us to stop aging?

Did Keren Yizhak discover the Fountain of Youth? One might wonder since this doctoral student at Tel Aviv University in Israel has just discovered how to fight aging effectively. The results of his study, published in the journal Nature Communications, could lead to the development of new drugs to treat aging and the various signs of aging.

Edit our cells

Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary field of research that uses algorithms to kill certain cells or modify them. A lot of research using this process is trying to find out how to kill cancer cells in our body or different bacterial infections. The algorithm developed by the Israeli student and her team is called "metabolic transformation algorithm" and identified two genes (GRE 3 and ADH 2) that significantly influence lifespan.

Medication soon?

At this stage of the procedure, there has not yet been any human testing so there is currently no way to verify if it works for us. But tests are continuing to modify old cells into young cells. In the future, drugs may emerge to potentially allow us to live longer and remove certain signs of aging. But it is also a great discovery for other issues because this algorithm could become the basis of new research to fight diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative disorders and certain types of cancer.