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"Dealer de sucres", the Instagram account that tracks sugars

We have known for a long time that too much sugar is bad for your health, and reducing it has spectacular and beneficial effects. And even if we have the feeling that we don't eat a lot of them because we don't spend our days stuffing ourselves with sweets, we consume them... a lot, without knowing it. Indeed, do we know how many pieces are there in our common food products, such as drinks, fruit juices, yogurts, cereals, etc.? ? Not really, or else we read an article about it a long time ago and we forgot about it. So, to constantly refresh your memory, an awesome Instagram (and Twitter) account was created:“Dealer de sucres“.

The idea, every day, posting a photo of a food with the sugar equivalent it contains, and the WHO recommendations. For example, Sugar Dealer posts a package of Oreo cakes stating:"In 100g of Oreo:43g of sugar, approximately 6.1g per Oreo. WHO recommendation:25g per day. » It calms down:in a few cakes, we explode our recommended quota per day… We will therefore have more scruples to put on the package (2 or 3 are good enough).

The strength of the concept are the images, each time with the equivalent in sugar cubes placed next to it. With this hyper visual presentation, we achieve much better than with any other health discourse. The author explained his approach in an interview:“I was simply looking for a creative activity that resembled me. I have no particular talent, except for a taste for information, new media and new forms of creativity imposed by social networks. When I was considering subjects and forms of expression, I stumbled - not really by chance, since healthy food is one of my centers of interest - on an American documentary "FedUp" which denounces the overconsumption of sugar in the United States. The main reason for this overconsumption:the public's lack of knowledge of the quantities of added sugar present in industrial products. That's when the project was born," he told Huffingtonpost .

Okay, so far, no need to become a “control freak”. As we explained to you in our article 5 good reasons not to stop eating sugar!, it is also good. In particular, there are sugars that are good for health and taste, such as honey (antioxidants, vitamins and minerals), coconut sugar (very beneficial). But above all, as in everything, what matters is knowing how to have fun without abuse. So even the whole Oreo pack, if it's once every 36th of the month, ok.

> Read also:Reading is good for morale!