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Sugar:these 9 symptoms that prove that we consume (a lot) too much

You like sugar a little, a lot, passionately... But he doesn't like you too much! Indeed, when consumed in excess, sugar can do damage to health .

The signs that indicate that we consume too much sugar

Hanging a chocolate with your coffee, eating a cake at 4 p.m., snacking between meals… The consumption of quick sugar in our daily lives, seems inevitable. We couldn't do without it! However, he does not always wish us well. Indeed, if you consume too much of it, it can cause particularly unpleasant symptoms. Apart from weight gain, excess sugar can cause migraines, cause hormonal problems, develop cavities… If no evidence indicates that it can harm your health according to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that its consumption should be moderate.

Slow sugars, fast sugars, hidden sugars… We take stock

In the sugar department, there are slow sugars , which is found in cereals, starchy foods, but also legumes. When eaten reasonably, they appear essential for ourgood nutritional balance . So-called fast sugars come from sweets, sodas, chocolate and other pastries. Absorbed in excess and too frequently, they can harm our health. Finally, hidden sugars , are found in processed foods. We often swallow them without knowing it. You can find them in particular in ketchup, sodas...

The Food Agency (ANSM) recommends that adults consume no more than 100 g of total sugars per day (excluding lactose and galactose) and no more than one sugary drink (preferring fruit juices).

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