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Doctors of the World denounces drug prices in an advertising campaign that has gone viral

The posters have already made the rounds of the internet. The association Doctors of the World wanted to denounce the exorbitant prices of drugs to treat certain diseases with the campaign #LePrixdelaVie. "Cancer brings in 2.4 million euros every year" Shocking, isn't it? And cancer is not the only disease targeted:leukemia, hepatitis C, melanoma… diseases that affect many people and would bring big profits to the pharmaceutical industry. If the advertising campaign launched on June 13, 2016 has already upset social networks and the entire web, it does not appear on any billboards in public places. The underwear of medicine is controversial and agitates the French:some posters have also been posted in Paris to give them visibility beyond the Internet, since they have been banned. A petition was also launched by the association to reduce the cost of medicines, to treat yourself without losing an arm... It collected more than 28,000 signatories in just the space of 24 hours.

The fight has already been underway since 2014 for the association. To support his remarks, Doctors of the World even quoted a study carried out by Andrew Hill (researcher in Liverpool):according to him, the antiviral drug against hepatitis C, sofosbuvir, would cost only 100 euros to produce, whereas it is billed nearly €41,000…

This campaign makes us open our eyes, the numbers are dizzying… Will our medical system end up collapsing?