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The Ministry of Health wants to talk about the end of life [Video]

If there's one subject we don't like to talk about, it's the end of life... and for good reason:more depressing, we couldn't find it! And yet:laws dating from 2015 and 2016 give us rights on this subject, but we do not always know them. The Ministry of Health therefore launched this week the campaign “The end of life, what if we talked about it? in order to encourage the French to make their wishes known. And we find that rather interesting…

Encourage reflection

In fact, nothing obliges us to make our wishes known or to choose a trusted person (who can choose for us, as soon as they are officially chosen). The idea behind this campaign, carried out in partnership with the National Center for Palliative and End-of-Life Care, is to lift the taboo:in the commercial, we see a man hiding behind a newspaper, a woman who pushes his cap as if to disappear... Finally, and if we just talked about it a little, just to know our rights and especially to form an opinion on the subject? The website
Parlons Fin de Vie answers all the questions you may have on the subject (and if you don't like to read, you can watch the short videos of the channel
palliative care and end of life) and provides access to useful documents, such as the advance directive form.

A link to keep and share...