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Info-endometriosis launches 6 short films to talk about the disease

The leading cause of infertility, endometriosis affects approximately 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. However, it remains a disease that is still little known or even taboo. The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, which disintegrates when there is no implantation (=menstruation). In women with endometriosis, foci of endometrium can implant in organs other than the uterus, where they thicken in response to hormonal fluctuations, without being able to be evacuated, which sometimes causes severe pain. disabling. March 4-10, 2019 is European Endometriosis Information and Awareness Week. The Info-Endometriosis association wanted to talk about the disease by interviewing women who suffer from it and those around them, and discuss with them the different aspects of the disease:pain, of course, but also shame and guilt. In total, six testimonials are to be discovered.

Talk about the disease

"In the emergency room they told me 'endometriosis' but no one thought to tell me what the endometrium is", confides Coline Beal in one of the 6 short films, proof that the disease remains little known to general public and those affected feel a lack of awareness. In order to give more visibility to the campaign, six actors (including Anna Mouglalis, Camille Chamoux or Yannick Choirat) passed in front of the camera to transcribe the testimonies of the women and their entourage. Under the initiative of the Info-endometriosis association (launched by Julie Gayet, actress, director and film producer and Dr. Zacharopoulou, specialist in the disease), an awareness campaign will be carried out from March 6 to 12, 2019 in cinemas. MK2 as well as in many cinemas throughout France. The campaign will also be relayed on social networks and the Info-endometriosis Instagram account will post one of the six testimonial videos every day until Saturday March 10.

We applaud the initiative and we invite you to share the campaign around you in order to make the disease known to as many people as possible.