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Endometriosis:horrible photos to show the truth of the disease

Andrea Baines, professional make-up artist, resident in Liverpool, did not hesitate when posting pictures of her lacerated abdomen on her Facebook account. A special effects make-up for a vision of dread but commensurate with the suffering endured by women with endometriosis. “I wanted the image to be shocking, to catch the eye, and to resonate with women who are also suffering. » she told Tyla magazine.

"this massively affects my sex life »

An interview about how debilitating living with endometriosis is:"My pain feels like a hot, sharp needle inside me, scraping against my internal organs, as if my insides were being ripped out" . She adds:"I can't work like before, I'm always tired and it's so hard for me to do daily tasks, in addition to being a mom. It also massively affects my sex life, which is a big factor in my depression. It’s like fighting a losing battle sometimes.”

One in ten women in France

It should be noted that endometriosis affects 175 million women worldwide and that in France, one in ten women is affected, i.e. between 2.1 and 4.2 million people. Among them, 70% suffer from chronic and debilitating pain (abdomino-pelvic) and 40% encounter infertility problems. So many women who can find advice if needed, from the ENDOmind association, which has notably put the first directory of endometriosis specialists online, in order to facilitate medical care. Remember that for five years, the testimonies of personalities suffering from endometriosis have moved the lines but the fight against this disease is far from over.