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Endometriosis:a walk organized all over the world this weekend

About 1 to 2 women in 10 are affected by endometriosis, the major symptom of which is very acute pelvic pain occurring during menstruation. In the most serious cases, this disease can lead to infertility or to surgical operations. Still too little known to the general public and often misdiagnosed, it is increasingly the subject of awareness-raising movements. Latest example:this Saturday, the 4th edition of the "EndoMarch" is organized in Paris and in more than 60 cities around the world and supported by the French associations EndoFrance, ENDOmind, Mon Endometriose Ma Souffrance and Ensemble Contre l'Endométriose .

Raise awareness

Kezako endometriosis? It is a chronic disease potentially affecting all menstruating women which is characterized grossomodo by the abnormal presence of endometrial fragments outside the uterus. Often diagnosed by chance and/or too late, most women with endometriosis complain of having suffered since puberty from violent gynecological pain during their periods or during sexual intercourse. This Saturday, March 25, the EndoMarch aims to make the ordeal experienced by millions of women affected by the disease heard. A key date whose objectives will be in particular to mark the progress observed in terms of awareness and to allow an improvement in the management and diagnosis of the disease. But the challenge of the EndoMarch is above all to strike a blow so that endometriosis is finally considered a real public health problem.

Take concrete action to manage the disease

Taboo and sometimes even underestimated, endometriosis affects between 6 and 10% of women of childbearing age. But the lack of knowledge of this pathology and especially of its main symptoms (painful menstruation) very often leads to a delay in diagnosis that can range from six to ten years! In the perspective of a positive evolution of the care of women affected, the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, signed on Wednesday March 22, 2017 an agreement with the association Info Endometriosis aimed at facilitating access to information especially to young women. Communication tools should also be put in place (posters, flyers, brochures, etc.) and other awareness-raising actions aimed at health professionals and all French people on a regional and national scale.

See you on March 25, 2017 at the Parvis de la Mairie from the 15th to 31 rue Péclet. Additional information is available on the official website of the ENDOMind association.