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The government launches a campaign to take stock of misconceptions about tobacco

A new anti-tobacco campaign has just been unveiled this Tuesday, May 31, 2016, on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day. The goal ? Lift the veil on false beliefs, put an end to received ideas and restore the truth about the risks incurred. In France, more than one in three people declare themselves to be smokers. And among the beliefs of the latter, there are still too many untruths. The Ministry of Health and the French Public Health Agency also affirm that "while all tobacco consumption entails real risks, certain factors such as the practice of a sport, youth or even low tobacco consumption, would tend to suggest the opposite".

Through short, clear and effective messages, the government wishes to restore the truth. No more doubt. No, "lung cancer does not only affect seniors, it also affects smokers from the age of 35", "Playing sports every day does not protect smokers from cancer, it does not clean the lungs" or "Smoking "only" four cigarettes a day is not without risk". The campaign will be in tobacconists and bars, in the form of posters but also on the Internet and smartphones.

In France, the fight against tobacco is far from being a one-day affair:a tobacco-free month will take place next November. This initiative is inspired by Great Britain where the month without tobacco already exists and is added to the long list of measures adopted by the Council of Ministers for the reduction of smoking (neutral packages, ban on flavorings and addictives, new pictograms) . Well done!