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Take the hassle out of choosing contact lenses

The contact lens:history and definition

Vision problems affect a large proportion of the population. Over the centuries, various devices have been created to remedy these vision problems. When the magnifying lens was created, several inventions involving them followed. It was first used for scientific purposes such as magnifying glasses or telescopes. It was later noticed that the magnifying lens could be used to correct vision problems. This is where the smaller, more precise corrective lenses and lenses were created. The first glasses were born. It's in the 19 th century that a German glass blower began to manufacture a lens placed directly on the eye. This device made of blown glass had great difficulty in being accepted by the population. However, the same year, an ophthalmologist from the same city improved this device and created the first contact lens that could be worn for several hours.

Today, the contact lens is an integral part of the lives of people with imperfect vision. Thanks to the development of technologies and research carried out on vision problems, the contact lens is constantly being improved to suit the particular needs of these people. Contact lenses are no longer made of glass, but of a material more in line with the anatomy of the eyeball. This substance called silicone hydrogel allows contact lenses to be more flexible and not to attack the eye on which they are directly placed.

Contact lenses have allowed visually impaired people to correct their vision while freeing them from the frame of glasses which can be very cumbersome in certain situations. They offer perfect discretion to all who wear them and are ideal for people who practice activities involving a lot of movement.

Additionally, contact lenses can serve as a protective barrier to the eyeballs. Indeed, the contact lens protects the eye against elements that can cause it to dry out, such as wind, drafts or even air conditioning. In addition to this, it blocks foreign bodies such as dust, sand or even small pebbles from entering the eye.

Choose between monthly and daily lens

Contact lenses come in two different designs:the monthly lens and the daily lens. Even if these two types of lenses have the same primary purpose, that is to say vision correction, they have different particularities in their composition. They also require different maintenance.

The monthly contact lens is sturdier and stiffer. The monthly lens is indeed thicker and more resistant than the daily lens. This is due to the fact that it is intended to be worn for several days in a row, more precisely for 30 days, or a month. Its physical characteristics allow it to last a long time without wearing out prematurely. It is important to note that a defective lens (damaged, chipped or cracked) can no longer play its corrective role and can be dangerous for the health of the eye. The monthly contact lens requires regular and meticulous maintenance in order to keep it in perfect condition throughout the month. Suffice to say that the monthly contact lens is not made for people who cannot ensure this maintenance.

The daily contact lens is easier to care for since it requires no maintenance. The daily lens is made to be worn for one day only. Therefore, it must be discarded at the end of the day since it is no longer able to fulfill its functions. The daily contact lens is less expensive than the monthly lens since it is made differently. Indeed, it is made of a softer material and is thinner than the monthly lens. It is not mandatory to wait until the end of the day before changing it. Indeed, it is possible to change the pair of lenses after a great effort for example or after a nap.

Where to get contact lenses?

Bubbly Optique is a brand that offers a wide range of contact lenses. It is imperative to buy your contact lenses on this kind of sites. These professionals market quality contact lenses that are guaranteed to be safe for the eyeball. It is important to note that it is essential to consult an ophthalmologist before buying contact lenses. The goal is to define the best lens for his eyes. Indeed, just like glasses, contact lenses offer a different correction compared to the eyes that must wear them.

It is possible to order your own lenses. However, you must be fully aware of all the details concerning your lens. This information is noted on the prescription prescribed by the doctor. The contact lenses ordered in this way are delivered to your home. This is an easy and convenient way to get contact lenses without having to leave home.

Contact lenses:for everyone

Contact lenses aren't just for specific people. Indeed, just like eyeglasses, contact lenses are intended for those who have vision problems, whether adults or children. They are also more practical for people practicing regular physical activity, professionals or individuals. All you have to do is choose the lens that suits the anatomy of your eyes and your correction needs.

It is possible to swap your glasses for contact lenses. However, this can only be done after consulting an ophthalmologist. Indeed, the correction of glasses is different from the correction of contact lenses. This difference is mainly due to the distinct size between lenses and corrective lenses. It is also due to the difference in material between these two devices. Improper lens correction can affect vision.

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