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Why is it not recommended to skip breakfast?

Many are those who, for lack of time or simply of appetite, do not have breakfast. Well that's a mistake! Indeed, this morning appointment is supposed to bring us about a quarter of the energy needs that we need daily. And then, after a good night's sleep (and therefore a fairly long period of fasting), it seems normal to be full. Thanks to a hearty snack, you bring energy to your muscles and your brain.

Breakfast regulates hunger

According to an IFOP-ANPP study, more than 76% of French people feel hungry at one time or another during the day. This need would be due in particular to a breakfast that was too light. While taking a balanced one would have a positive impact on satiety and the reduction of hunger during the day (these effects would also be reinforced if the breakfast is rich in protein).

It improves intellectual abilities

When we sleep, the level of glucose in our blood drops (hence our monumental laziness in the morning). It seems necessary to eat in order to regain energy. Thanks to a good breakfast, we improve our intellectual performance with good concentration and an elephant's memory (we exaggerate a little bit). Eating in the morning is to take "the strength" that we will need during the day. Plus, studies show that kids who eat breakfast before school are mentally fitter in the morning.

What is the ideal breakfast?

A balanced breakfast suitable for all members of the family consists of a cereal product, a dairy product, a drink and possibly a fruit. Thus, wholemeal bread or muesli accompanied by a bowl of milk and freshly squeezed orange juice are suitable for all ages.

A meal that divides specialists

However, many specialists claim that breakfast is not the most important meal of the day as it is usually understood. It would simply be part of French culture and, therefore, eating in the morning would be more habit than medical recommendation. Except for children who, in full growth, absolutely need to eat in the morning. However, even if some people will tolerate skipping breakfast very well, others may suffer from discomfort, hypoglycemia or even a lack of concentration and great fatigue.

So, we don't know about you, but when we read this, we say to ourselves that it is still wiser to eat something in the morning! It gives energy, it doesn't make you fat and it saves us from snacking... So why deprive yourself?