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Jada Pinkett Smith breaks the taboo by confessing to having alopecia

Celebrities are the aesthetic role models par excellence. The very good looks of many of them helped open the doors to Hollywood for them, and their regular Instagram posts with their red carpet looks confirm how easy and enjoyable their lives seem. However, some intend to change this image of perfection by showing the whole world that it is above all a question of throwing dust in the eyes. Among them, Blake Lively who recently posted a guilt-free message about her beauty treatments that require “a whole bus” of professionals. Jada Pinkett Smith, who is none other than the wife of Will Smith with whom she had her 2 children Willow and Jayden, follows suit:during the show Red Table Talk broadcast on Facebook and that she hosts alongside her mother and daughter, the actress had to reveal her biggest complex which turns out to be her hair. She has indeed decided to break the taboo and speak openly about the evil that is eating away at her:alopecia, which designates an acceleration of hair loss or body hair leaving the skin partially or totally bare, the causes of which can be stress, a lack of iron or a significant weight loss.

“I literally trembled with fear”

It was absolutely terrifying when it started. I was in my shower and had handfuls of hair in my hands. I said to myself that I was going bald, it was the first time in my life that I literally trembled with fear “, she explains visibly very moved. "That's why I cut my hair, more and more each time. […] You don’t decide whether to have hair or not “, continues the beautiful forties. If she admits that taking care of her thick hair was once "a magnificent beauty ritual", the one who starred in The Nutty Professor has found a more than satisfactory alternative with turbans. “When my hair is wrapped in a scarf, I feel like a queen “, she confides. The actress says that she has managed to put her situation into perspective as she goes along because she is aware that others are facing more trying experiences. “People have cancers, have unhealthy children… A force beyond us takes things away from people every day, and if it wants to take my hair, I reckon that's not much “, concludes the mother of the family. Congratulations to her for this moment of truth which will undoubtedly help many people in the same situation to take responsibility for themselves!