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Chocolate, beer and wine would help to live longer

It is no longer to be demonstrated:what we eat has an impact, whether on our weight, our muscle mass or our health. Thus, it is important to eat a balanced diet if you want to be in good shape. We necessarily think of the five fruits and vegetables that it is recommended to consume daily, but it would seem that chocolate, beer and red wine should not be excluded, on the contrary. In any case, this is the result of a study carried out by the University of Living Sciences in Warsaw among 70,000 people (women and men) for almost 16 years, which compared the lifespan of people on a diet called "anti-inflammatory" and that of people who do not follow it.

Fruits, vegetables and chocolate

An anti-inflammatory diet, kezaco? As a reminder, inflammation is the body's defense process, which can be visible (redness, heat, pain, etc.) or not (it is then a chronic inflammation that can cause illness in the long term). Thus, by consuming the right foods on a daily basis, one can help reduce inflammation. Among these good foods, we can mention fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee, nuts… but also chocolate, beer and red wine (in reasonable quantities!). The researchers have shown that people who adopted an anti-inflammatory diet had an 18% lower risk of death, regardless of the cause (- 20% risk of death from cardiovascular disease and - 13% from cancer). ). It has even been shown that smokers following this diet lived longer on average than non-smokers not following it. Surprising!

Magic, the anti-inflammatory diet? Unfortunately no. On the other hand, eating foods with these properties can't hurt. We'll think about it the next time we drink a little glass of wine...