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How to relieve your feet and legs after a long walk?

The tennis ball

A yellow ball lying around in your home, it is adequately used and soft, you are on the right track to feel the benefits of plantar reflexology in a few minutes. As you will have understood, the exercise is simple, it is a question here of removing your socks, letting your feet come into full contact with the ground then, once well balanced, put your right foot on the ball and do slow circular movements from the toes to the heel, while exerting relatively strong pressure on the object. Do three minutes and start again with the left foot.

Hot-cold therapy

You counted the minutes that separated you from home but it's good you're finally there. You rail against yourself “I will never wear these heels again, never again! ". Here you are barefoot, finally, the oppression is over but remains a sharp pain, a numbness that makes you nervous. So get yourself a basin and opt for the contrast bath. In other words, dip your feet in cold water that you can cool further with ice cubes and then dip them in hot water. Be careful, it is essential to start with the cold! Submerge your feet up to the ankles for 5 minutes and alternate cold and hot for about 20 minutes. This will produce a pumping effect at the level of the blood vessels and will dissipate your inflammations more easily. All that's left to do is get a good night's sleep, which is bound to be restorative.

The stair step

This is not about pushing you up a flight of stairs, you have already given enough today. No, this is about stretching. Essential after an intense day of walking. If you don't have stairs, look for a small stopper that will allow you to pull your heel down because the idea is as follows:standing, resting on the front of your feet, you exhale while letting your heel in the void. Basic exercise, of course, but oh so appropriate to feel tension from the Achilles tendon to the buttocks and relax the whole leg at the same time. Try to hold this position for two minutes without moving.

Raise the legs of your bed

Too harassed, impossible to imagine anything other than your duvet and sleep amnesia. But you still have a bit of energy left, so consider raising the legs of your bed by ten centimeters. A harmonious inclination that will get rid of venous hyperpressure in the legs and allow your blood to circulate more freely in the body. Result:your face will be less puffy when you wake up and your legs will be more ready to carry you through the day.

Apple cider vinegar poultice

As we know, cider vinegar is our friend, its virtues on our health are numerous, in particular thanks to its high potassium content. So ! In concrete terms, you arrive home with burning feet and a desire in your mind to find something to relieve them as quickly as possible. Go for your cider vinegar bottle, mix it in equal quantity with water then take two hand towels and soak them with the magic potion. Find the most comfortable position and wrap your feet with damp cloths. A good half hour later, without realizing it, a smile will have appeared on your face.