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Third age clubs:outdated or dating opportunities?

Third age clubs:outdated or dating opportunities?

The clubs of the 3 ème age, generally managed by town halls or associations, have the main objective of breaking the isolation of the elderly. They offer moments of relaxation while promoting sharing with other seniors. The clubs of the 3 ème age have the enormous advantage of offering older people opportunities to meet, to create friendly ties with other seniors and to no longer feel alone, especially since loneliness is one of the main problems encountered by the oldest. Very popular, especially in rural areas, these clubs are nevertheless less and less frequented by seniors

Clubs of the 3 th essential age to break isolation

1.5 million people over the age of 75 live alone without having any other choice, according to the Monalisa association which fights against the isolation of the elderly. For the latter, “Social isolation, which creates a significant risk of loss of autonomy, has become a new social risk, a public health and social cohesion issue. ". Also, it is essential that seniors, in addition to their daily domestic chores, can maintain a social bond.

The clubs of the 3 ème age give them the opportunity to meet with people of the same generation, to discuss, to have fun, to exchange their experience, to help each other, even to make friends. These links are forged during various activities, supervised by professionals, such as games (scrabble, cards, etc.), tea dances, meals, lotto evenings, walks in the forest, adapted sports activities . Outings are also often organized to the theater, to visit museums, to go to the cinema, not to mention artistic activities such as singing, pottery, drawing, painting. So many opportunities for the elderly to meet people and not remain isolated.

Clubs of the 3 th age less suited to the tastes of today's seniors?

Despite their social usefulness, the clubs of the 3 ème age seem to be less and less frequented, as indicated by the Info-seniors site, which wonders about the causes of this observation:more elderly people are accompanied by their relatives and therefore find themselves less alone? Have the habits of seniors changed? Indeed, the oldest of today do not have the same priorities and the same hobbies as those of yesterday. Even if we cannot qualify the clubs of the 3 ème as old-fashioned age, no doubt some of the activities they offer need to be rethought and modernized according to the tastes of today's seniors.

Seniors, for example, are increasingly connected to the Internet. Organizing computer courses, Internet browsing, learning to buy online, for example, can be very promising workshops to be developed by 3 ème clubs. age. Very young retirees are also fond of travel. Moreover, specialized travel agencies have made no mistake about it and offer them group stays that encourage meetings between the elderly. Undoubtedly examples to follow to modernize the clubs of the 3 ème age.