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Video:something different again, work-out upside down

Turn your workout upside down, because inversion moves really do wonders for your health. We have put some exercises in a video!

A work-out upside down feels a little different than usual, but gives you a real energy boost. Still, there are some things that are good to know when you start:


A little dizzy or nauseous? That is normal. It will pass if you practice inversion moves more often. Breathe in slowly and build up the exercises slowly.

Read also: "Stressed? These are the best workouts'

Reverse warm-up

Do a reverse warm-up for your shoulders, arms and wrists. This is possible with the plank and the downward dog yoga posture. For your wrists:Get on your hands and knees and point the back of your hand down so that your palms are facing your face. Hold for five seconds.

Don't if…

Skip inversions in case of high blood pressure, pregnancy, migraine or during menstruation
