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Cancer:launch of the A Daffodil for Curie campaign to support research

Cancer in France, a disease that affects 382,000 French people each year and is the cause of nearly 150,000 deaths per year. To fight against this scourge and advance research, the Institut Curie launched, on Tuesday 10 March, the 16th edition of the national solidarity campaign A daffodil for Curie; it will continue until the 22nd of the month. Ambition? Raise 700,000 euros in donations to finance the development of precision medicine.

Go deep into cells

An "essential tool for better diagnosing and caring for patients" , explains the Institut Curie. And to clarify:“To fight cancer, you have to look not only at the organ and the tissue in which it develops, but also at the deepest level of the cells, at the molecular level. Today, research aims to understand this tumor heterogeneity :why some cells resist treatment when others respond ”.

Operation A daffodil for Curie made it possible, in 2019, to collect 630,000 euros in donations for the benefit of basic research to accelerate knowledge on the development of cancer.

To make a donation of 5 euros:text ESPOIR to 92 002. Or make a donation directly on