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Does nicotine protect against severe forms of Covid-19?

This is obviously information to be taken with a lot of tweezers because there is too little scientific data to draw conclusions at the moment but indeed it could be, according to some Chinese studies and some American studies, that nicotine protects against Covid -19.

“You have to be careful”

"Nicotine might protect, not tobacco smoke “, Thus wanted to remind France Info, Marion Adler, tobacco specialist at the Antoine Béclère hospital in Clamart who insisted on the fact that we must remain “very careful ”.

And to detail what would be the mechanism at work if this were the case:"This would be a regulation of the ACE2 receptors, which are particular receptors which would perhaps make it possible to reduce the inflammatory syndrome and which would perhaps make it possible, thanks to nicotine, to protect. But again, we can't conclude it, it's way too early. You have to be careful, especially now, where a lot of things are being said. Let's stay scientific . »

“…the vast majority of severe cases were non-smokers”

Smokers who, as Yahoo France reminds us in a very detailed article, are not part of the list of patients at risk disseminated by the High Council for Public Health. A reading that teaches us, among other things, this surprising fact noted by Professor Jean-François Delfraissy. The president of the scientific council indeed explained on France Info this Wednesday April 8 to have "found that the vast majority of serious forms were not smokers ". Obviously adding that it was not necessary, however, to start smoking.

Nicotine substitutes fully reimbursed

Tobacco which, as indicated by the National Committee Against Tobacco on its site, aggravates the risks associated with the coronavirus; Covid-19 profoundly altering the immune system, the bronchial tree and the lungs of smokers. The CNCT which recalls in particular that if you smoke, the infection will be more serious and longer than for a person who does not smoke and that because of your cough linked to smoking, the risks of contaminating those around you are increased.
So we stub out that cigarette and go buy some nicotine replacement therapy; which are still on sale in pharmacies and are fully reimbursed by health insurance plus mutual insurance with a prescription as well as smoking cessation treatments.