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Coronavirus:these new symptoms mentioned by dermatologists

We know that Covid-19 is manifested by respiratory disorders, fever, loss of taste and smell, it could now cause outbreaks of hives, frostbite or even redness. In a press release, the National Syndicate of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV) has just launched the alert on these new symptoms which can potentially appear on the skin in the event of contracting the disease due to Covid-19.

"an appearance of frostbite on the extremities"

We have discovered a rather particular phenomenon in certain patients who present with acrosyndromes, i.e. an appearance of frostbite on the extremities, these are redness in the fingers, swelling, temporary pain which correspond to what we can feel to winter sports when it's cold and in fact , this sign often goes quite unnoticed “, explained Luc Sulimovic, president of the National Syndicate of Dermatologists.

Potentially Contagious Patients »

"Analysis of the many cases reported to the SNDV shows that these events may be associated with Covid-19 “, indicates the press release. “We are alerting the population and the medical profession in order to detect these potentially contagious patients as quickly as possible (without necessarily showing signs of breathing difficulties) “, can we read in conclusion.