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Are nuts really fattening? Response !

It is well known, nuts are fat! They are even richer in lipids than peanuts, and contain 70% fat against 50% for the seconds (crisps are 30% fat for comparison). We are therefore widely tempted to think that they make you fat.

But, as surprising as it may seem, it is a received idea! Eating 7 to 20 nuts a day in addition to your normal diet would indeed have no effect on the scale (or on the silhouette). This is also valid for hazelnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, or even cashew nuts.

So how do you explain that fatty nuts don't make you fat?

It would seem that these nuts, due to their high content of fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids, simply increase the degree of satiety. As a result, we are tempted to eat less. And concerning the fats of the nuts, they would be only partially absorbed, hence their moderate influence on weight gain.

Another reason not to blacklist them, three-quarters of the lipids they contain are made up of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). It is a fatty acid from the omega-3 family which everyone knows today the benefits on the heart. So end the hesitation:we replace our sweet cakes with fatty nuts (but light, well yes)!