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Is hot chocolate really fattening?

On Sunday afternoon in front of a Christmas movie, coming home from work to relax or having a snack between two remote meetings (long live teleworking), you can't do without hot chocolate ! However, if this drink from our childhood always puts a smile on our faces, is it really a friend? The hot chocolate , by definition, seems like a calorie bomb, but is it really fattening?

Is hot chocolate fattening?

We are sad to find that no, the hot chocolate will not help us lose weight. At least not if it is consumed as it is usually imagined. For starters, chocolate is high in sugar and milk is a real source of fat. Therefore, a cup of traditional hot chocolate represents approximately 200 kcal (5 g of fat, 27 g of carbohydrates and 9 g of protein). However, if this drink is accompanied by light meals throughout the day, it will compensate for our energy needs and will therefore not be the enemy of our weight loss. Phew, fortunately, because we did not intend to do without it!

How to make slimming hot chocolate?

If your addiction to hot chocolate and your desire to lose a few pounds are bothering you, you can opt for a slimming hot chocolate . Indeed, start by substituting milk, opting for a vegetable drink. Almond or oats will lower the caloric intake of this drink. Then, forget the chocolate powder which is often enriched with flour made from cereals, and which contains little cocoa. Prefer chocolate powder 100% cocoa (like the Van Houten) or opt for dark chocolate that you will melt. Finally, forget the sugar in your drink.