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Is it harmless, the electronic cigarette?


In a fake cigarette, a resistor heats a flavored liquid that replicates the feeling of a real cigarette when pulled. Advantages:it's cheaper (less than €2 for the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes) and you don't have the harmful effects of tobacco, because these devices only give off water vapor and no tar.

What's in it?

This is the problem:the composition of the liquids varies according to the brands. It contains propylene glycol, glycerol, different flavors such as blond tobacco, fruits, mint, etc. Sometimes, there is even nicotine in greater or lesser quantities... In addition, the majority of electronic cigarettes come from China:we do not know the exact composition of the plastic used to manufacture them and certain liquids are often incorrectly dosed in nicotine.

What risks?

We don't really know... We haven't yet measured the effects of heated food flavorings or the level of addiction created (especially because of nicotine). To date, there have been no serious accidents related to electronic cigarettes (just a few bronchial reactions), but in the long term, nothing is known.

So, is it a good alternative to tobacco?

If you smoke a lot, it's always better than the real cigarette. On the other hand, there is no evidence that it helps to quit smoking. And above all, if you've never smoked, don't let yourself be tempted! Indeed, there is a risk of creating bad habits, especially if the electronic cigarette is loaded with nicotine.

Thanks to Bertrand Dautzenberg, President of the French Office for the Prevention of Smoking.