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Can orthokeratology correct my myopia?

Is it for me?

Yes, if you are myopic (up to – 4.50) or short-sighted and astigmatic (up to – 1.50). Good for athletes, people who do not want to have surgery or do not support contact lenses during the day. But also for children (from 8 years old). A recent study even shows that children wearing this type of lens would see their myopia stop progressing. No contraindication.

How does it work?

We consult a lens adapter ophthalmologist in orthokeratology. To find one, consult the site or ask the Menicon or Technolens laboratories. Provide €400 for a pair of lenses valid for 1 year and around €400 for adaptation consultations (only the first year). The lenses are rigid and are worn every night (from 6 to 8 hours per night). When you wake up, you take them off and you can see clearly without lenses or glasses all day until bedtime. No problem if you go to bed late or get up at night because you can see with it.

Thanks to Dr. Adrien Sarfati, ophthalmologist.