What is it?
Global support at birth (AGN) is the possibility of being "accompanied" by the same midwife throughout pregnancy, before, during and after childbirth:she is the one who makes the declaration pregnancy, prenatal consultations, birth preparation sessions, which prescribes medical examinations (blood tests, ultrasounds, etc.), which provides perineal rehabilitation. And she is also the one who answers our questions, our doubts, is available and attentive. She therefore provides personalized and global follow-up, and is present on D-Day so that you can give birth confidently and as " naturally " as possible (a priori without an epidural) on the technical platform of a maternity hospital. Even if, today, few maternity hospitals offer it...
Is it (medically) safe?
AGN is intended for " low risk " pregnancies (without any particular problem). During pregnancy, we do not skip any stage of the classic medical follow-up, the midwife working in a network with sonographers, gynecologists, shrinks... Giving birth in a maternity ward involves meeting, in the 8th month, a gynecologist-obstetrician and an anesthetist who work there, in case, on D-day, their intervention is necessary.
An intimate childbirth.
Childbirth - seems imminent? Phone call to the midwife, who makes an appointment at the maternity ward. It is she alone who will " coach " the operation, with the support of darling (but we know that, if there is the slightest concern, the anesthesiologist and the obstetrician are ready to intervene). If all goes well, return home a few hours after the birth, the midwife carrying out the postnatal follow-up.
A midwife who practices AGN can be found on the ANSFL website. L.B