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How to prepare for childbirth?

Obstetrical psychoprophylactic method:traditional childbirth preparation

Behind this barbaric name hides the method most used by French women who have chosen to take childbirth preparation courses. 80% opt for this course! The technique places the information of the parents at the center of its concerns. The idea is to reassure them, by detailing all the stages of childbirth. The teaching is given by a midwife, in a maternity ward. It occurs in the 7th month of pregnancy. Part of the courses is theoretical, it allows you to better understand the big day, being aware of all the stages of childbirth:from leaving home for the maternity ward, until returning home with baby.

The theoretical sequences are coupled with a practical part. The future dad can participate in these sessions, where the mom learns to breathe, relax and push.

Preparation for childbirth:the other methods

Although the obstetric psychoprophylaxis method is most often suggested, there are more original alternatives, but also effective to prepare for the arrival of a baby. Thus, haptonomy is based on the communication between parents and baby, before birth. The advantage of this method is that the father and the mother are equal. Everyone can talk to baby at their leisure, before their arrival. It is advisable to practice haptonomy as soon as you feel your child moving in your belly. A practitioner will accompany you in these sessions, showing you the gestures to have, to elicit a reaction from baby. The doctor can also advise your husband on the steps to take to relieve and reassure you during childbirth. As for acupuncture, sophrology, or fasciatherapy, they make it possible to apprehend the pain, and to relax the body before childbirth.