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Well-being:5 resolutions to adopt during the summer holidays

It's the same thing every year. A few weeks before summer we pay attention to our diet, we go to the gym, we swap the elevator for the stairs… Then when autumn starts to show up, we forget everything. Come on, this year, we promise:we'll keep these resolutions!

We reduce the sugar

Because it is dangerous for our health and slows down the elimination of toxins. High sugar consumption stimulates insulin production and promotes overweight, bad cholesterol and diabetes. So yes with ice cream, sweets and cakes, the temptation is great in summer but we are not telling you to completely banish sugar, just to make some concessions. For example, we swap very sweet fruits (dates, cherries, mango, banana, etc.) for strawberries, watermelon, blueberries or blackberries. And we're replacing our beloved kinder bueno with cereal bars. Not so complicated, is it?

We start a sport that we love

Because it is stress-relieving, excellent for your health and it is a good way to oxygenate yourself far from the stuffy atmosphere of the office. So ok to bask on the beach but next we compensate with a sport that suits us well. Especially since during the summer, with nautical activities, we are spoiled for choice! Kayaking, surfing, paddleboarding... Here's something to combine pleasure and muscle building. Otherwise, for those who are more natural, you can cycle, walk or even hike, activities conducive to discoveries and encounters. If you take a good rhythm in the summer, it will be easier to keep it at the start of the school year.

We take care of our skin

We sometimes neglect it during the year for lack of time, so during the summer break, it's time to pamper it! We generously spread sunscreen, morning, noon and evening and every time we come back from a swim. In parallel, we regularly exfoliate the epidermis (it helps to make the tan last) and we moisturize face and body morning and evening. And since hydration also comes (mainly?) from within, we drink enough (1.5 L minimum, more in hot weather). Yes yes, it is our skin that will thank us.

We sleep well

Getting enough sleep isn't always easy. Between outings with friends, aperitifs, late office outings… Everything seems to prevent us from having a healthy sleep cycle. So during our holidays, as we have time, we make an effort to sleep at least 8 hours a night. With a better pace of life, we can stay energetic throughout the day and fully enjoy our vacation. Well, we know, with children, it's not always easy (or even not possible at all), but in this case, we force ourselves to take naps during the day to catch up on late sleep.

On positive

It's sunny, it's hot, everyone is happy. It's time to take life on the bright side! Then, the positive brings positive and the negative brings negative, it is well known. So, in case of trouble, here is the golden rule:r-e-l-a-t-i-v-i-s-e-r. And we apply the Coué method:we tell ourselves that we are doing well and that life is beautiful. Come on, let's smile and forget about worries!