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Cancer:a promising test developed by a researcher

Professor of cell biology and oncology at the University of Paris-Descartes, within the Faculty of Medicine Necker-Enfants Malades, Patrizia Paterlini-Bréchot had a revolutionary idea for medicine:the creation of a machine capable of detecting tumor cells, even before the cancer develops. A process that promises to be revolutionary!

Expensive but promising

The machine, called Itset, makes it possible to perform an ultra-sensitive blood test (it filters 10 milliliters of blood), from which it will be able to detect any cancerous cells. As she confided to the newspaper Ouest France, “it is a question of identifying these cancerous cells even before they can be detectable on medical imaging”. Iset does not yet allow us to see which organ the tumor comes from, but will allow specialists, depending on predisposition and history, to start with the prostate in men and the breasts in women (the two most common types of cancer ). Patrizia Paterlini-Bréchot really hopes that her test will eradicate the disease, or at least significantly reduce the mortality rate. Iset is currently only available in the Parisian laboratory of Olivier Roy, a biologist pharmacist, costs €486 and is not reimbursed by Social Security. But the biologist hopes it will be soon, and dreams that her invention will become "a routine test during a blood test".

A disease that has haunted her for years

The desire to eradicate cancer, Patrizia Paterlini-Bréchot has had it for years. In Modena (her hometown), Italy, she worked as a hematological oncologist. Faced with a patient affected by a dazzling cancer, she felt totally helpless, totally helpless. It was from that moment that she decided that she would do everything to fight this disease.

We very much hope that his invention will be democratized and who knows… the future of cancer may be at stake?! We wish!