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Wopilo, the pillow made in France that combines extra comfort and cervical support

Sleep influences physical fitness and mental health, it is a fact, but a large proportion of French people are deprived of these benefits:12 million say they sleep poorly. If some tips shared by experts are a good start towards peaceful nights – such as keeping screens out of the bedroom or favoring complete darkness – we can also look at the equipment of the bed. And precisely, two French people took a closer look at the one who is “assimilated to comfort while paradoxically it is the basis of many pains “:the pillow, of course. Thomas Hervet and Antoine Puechbroussou have designed Wopilo, a pillow with a unique design that provides both the comfort of a traditional pillow and the cervical support of an ergonomic pillow. The idea simply started from the bad experience of one of the entrepreneurs, Thomas, a poor sleeper subject to pain on waking who, after inconclusive trials with different types of pillows, set out to make the pillow of his dreams with the help of an osteopath.

A soft side and a firmer side

Antoine Puechbroussou, who was then working on the development of a mobile application, decided to join the project following largely positive feedback from members of his entourage and sleep professionals. So what is the specificity of Wopilo? It consists of two different pockets lined with microfibers located on either side of a memory foam core. “The thicker side is for people who prefer softer comfort, and the thinner side provides firmer comfort, more in contact with the memory foam “, explains Antoine Puechbroussou. After several months of work on the design of the pillow in the fall of 2016, the two friends launched a fundraising campaign on the Kickstarter platform on May 30. And Wopilo, which is made by hand in a workshop supplying French luxury hotels, immediately convinced:in less than a week, the fundraising objective set at €20,000 was exceeded since more €50,000 (at the time of writing) have already been raised.

The pillow can be acquired
via Kickstarter for the sum of 69 € (shipping included in France) during the campaign which will end in about thirty days, then will subsequently be marketed at a price of 89 €. Revolutionary and inexpensive, what more could you ask for?