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HIV:screening is now free in Paris and the Alpes-Maritimes

In 2017, 6,424 French men and women discovered that they were HIV-positive. Since July 1, 2019, you can now get tested for HIV free of charge in Paris and in the Alpes-Maritimes thanks to the HIV Test. How it works ? It is enough to go to the medical analysis laboratories and simply give our vital card or our social security number (for people who do not have health insurance or wish to do so anonymously, there are solutions on site) . Then the screening is done by simple blood test. If the result is positive, the medical biologist will make an appointment for us in the hospital of our choice within 48 hours. Today, there are drug treatments that stop the evolution of this virus, which allows infected people (who are not, even if prejudices die hard, only homosexuals or drug addicts) to live in good health. And the earlier you are detected, the greater the chances of living (almost) normally.

Goal of zero new HIV infections by 2030

If it is Paris and the Alpes-Maritimes that offer HIV Testing, it is because they have the same objective:to have no new HIV infections by 2030. An objective which, according to them, cannot be achieved. only by making screening free and therefore accessible to all. Until today, you had to pay an average of €20 to have one, and people with several sexual partners are advised to carry out this screening several times. However, it can always be done free of charge and anonymously in the free Centers for information, screening and diagnosis (Cegidd) throughout France (the process is however perhaps more restrictive than a simple visit to the lab next to your home). self…).

The City of Paris and the Alpes-Maritimes Region will offer the HIV Test until June 30, 2020, and it is hoped that this initiative will be renewed and offered in other regions.