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Painful knees:what physical activities should be favored?

Women's knees are more sensitive than those of our male counterparts (the fault of the generally wider pelvis which can unbalance). To avoid discomfort, painful sensations or injuries during physical activity, just take a few precautions.

Opt for an adapted sport

Physical activities including running, jumping or adding weight put a lot of strain on the knees because of the support they require. Be careful, it is not a question of proscribing our favorite sports but of adapting them to our physical condition. Athletics and bodybuilding are therefore to be practiced reasonably and in moderation. We take the time to stretch and do not hesitate to consult a sports coach for personalized training and advice. When our knees are weakened, we favor activities such as yoga, Pilates or tai chi which help maintain muscle flexibility. Water activities such as water aerobics, aquabiking and swimming (especially freestyle) are also excellent for muscle tone and do not put pressure on the knees. This is why they are often used in rehabilitation programs. Dance fans can try their hand at tango, mambo and other cha-cha-cha to exercise and have fun without taking any risks. The more adventurous will opt for hiking with sticks to gently strengthen the muscles while enjoying the scenery.

Protect your knees

On a daily basis, certain habits should be avoided when you have fragile knees:the squatting position, for example, puts excessive force on the kneecaps, as does the repeated wearing of high heels. The stairs, if there are many, are to be avoided and we prefer the elevator if we have to go up and/or down many times during the day. If you want to practice an activity with a high risk of shock, don't forget to wear knee pads. And we listen to each other:practicing a sporting activity should not be painful. If this is the case, it is important to consult a specialist such as a rheumatologist or orthopedist without delay so that you can continue your favorite sport with complete peace of mind.