Dust mites are microscopic arachnids that live primarily in warm, humid environments. They love to nest in mattresses, sofas and carpets, because they find the food necessary for their survival (nail debris, skin or hair). These little beings are particularly parasitic, because a single specimen can lay up to 300 eggs in its lifetime.
All homes, even the cleanest ones, are infested with dust mites. To slow their proliferation and prevent dust mite allergy, avoid making the following mistakes:
In case of dust mite allergy, there is no need to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Indeed, some natural remedies are effective in relieving symptoms. Here are some examples:
Do you cough or sneeze repeatedly? Drinking an herbal tea made from dried thyme, lavender, chamomile or eucalyptus is the solution to relieve you.
In some cases, the mites cause eczema attacks. To remedy this, apply a layer of clay on the surface to be treated.
Eye or nasal irritation may occur in case of dust mite allergy. To relieve itching in the eyes, place cold water compresses there for a few minutes. For the nostrils, mix 250 ml of hot water with ½ teaspoon of salt. Leave to dissolve, then inject into each nostril using a syringe.
You have a runny nose ? Consumed in the form of an infusion, nettle stops the flow of the nose, at the rate of 3 cups a day.
This natural remedy helps prevent allergic rhinitis. To take advantage of these benefits, drink a glass of water containing 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar every day.
Drinking citrus juice regularly helps fight dust mite allergies and boosts your immune system.
To prevent allergy to dust mites, try taking a course of magnesium chloride to be more resistant to the misdeeds of these microscopic beings.
Thanks to its antihistamine properties, the onion acts effectively against allergy symptoms.
To take advantage of the anti-allergenic effect of tarragon, put 3 drops of tarragon essential oil on a handkerchief, then inhale it 3 times a day.
– Health:how to fight allergies?
– How to protect yourself from pollen allergies?