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Foot sweating:9 formidable natural tips to get rid of it and eliminate bad odors

The perspiration feet can affect everyone! This natural phenomenon , caused by the eccrine sweat glands present among others under the arch of the foot, is beneficial for the body. Under the effect of an emotion, physical activity or high heat, it helps to regulate body temperature at 37° degrees but also to hydrate the hydrolipidic film of the skin and improve blood circulation . And yet, many people are embarrassed by sweaty feet. Having sweaty feet It's uncomfortable, that's for sure. But in some cases, sweating can be excessive and lead to bad odors or bacterial infections such as nail fungus . This is called plantar hyperhidrosis , i.e. excessive sweating.

In case of plantar hyperhidrosis, consult a healthcare professional for medication.

How to stop sweating feet?

There are natural remedies grandmother's to reduce sweaty feet. We do not suspect it but certain foods regulate sweating like black tea , parsley or the lemon . You just have to use them as a foot bath or simply rub them on sensitive areas.
Moreover, if you tend to sweat on your feet, it is necessary to wear several pairs of shoes a week and to choose your shoes . These should not be too tight and should match your shoe size. In general, leather shoes are ideal for letting the feet breathe. Likewise, the choice of socks is important . Forget synthetic materials and favor cotton socks to absorb moisture.

How to get rid of foot odor?

Sweating is often accompanied by bad odors. On the skin of the feet, bacteria in contact with sweat produce odorous chemical components, responsible for strong odors of perspiration . However, this is not a fatality! You can combat these scents with baking soda . This multifunctional product is a very good disinfectant. It can be used as a powder to put in a thin layer in your shoes or as a foot bath. For this, in a basin, mix lukewarm water with two doses of baking soda. Add the juice of a lemon then immerse your feet in it for fifteen minutes.

In the same idea, you can use fresh mint leaves, or a decoction, to refresh your feet and sanitize them. Finally, natural foot deodorants based on alum stone or talc can work wonders against bad odors and sweaty feet.

Discover in our slideshow all our tips for reducing sweaty feet and eliminating bad smells.

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