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Is "Winter Vagina" Syndrome Serious?

In winter, the return of lip balm . As soon as the temperatures drop, it becomes difficult for us to go out without this essential in our bag . We know that winter is clearly not our skin's best friend. . Hands dry and chapped lips are well-known phenomena. On the other hand, we did not know that winter could cause some vaginal dryness … However, according to some experts, this syndrome, called "winter vagina" is indeed real.

The winter vagina, myth or reality?

According to a midwife and nurse, Mary Burke, our vagina would be more exposed to drought vagina in winter than during the rest of the year. “Although it is a problem that few people want to talk about openly, our vaginas can also suffer from drought during the winter" , she explained in the columns of Sun . In question ? The temperatures , but also habits that we take only in winter . Hot baths, layering clothes to keep warm or heating interior.

Difficult to understand how our vagina could undergo temperature changes. A statement to be taken with (large) tweezers . In fact, according to Jen Gunter, obstetrician-gynecologist and author of The Vagina Bible, it is not so. “This is yet another attempt to complex the women and make them buy more products. There is a whole industry dedicated to this mission", she told Refinery29 magazine. Indeed, the vagina works very well and in all seasons, without exception. It is therefore important to take care of it, summer and winter alike.

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