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3 sun destinations to spend the winter in great shape

3 sun destinations to spend the winter in great shape

More and more seniors are leaving France in winter for a sunnier destination with a more pleasant climate. Once retired, without professional or family constraints, and you want to stay in shape, there is nothing like being able to spend the winter in a region where the weather is nice and warm and enjoy as much of activities. Our ideas for 3 sun destinations to spend the winter in great shape.


Morocco is one of the favorite destinations of the French. Many seniors leave even if they settle for several months a year, or even permanently. For good reason, Morocco benefits in particular on its Atlantic coast from a Mediterranean climate. Winters resemble French springs but with much longer sunny periods and much less precipitation. Destinations like Agadir, Essaouira, Casablanca or Tangier are therefore to be preferred if you want to spend a winter in good shape under the sun.

For those who are really looking for the sun, going to the Marrakech region is also a very good choice. Located further inland, this city and its surroundings enjoy a lot of sunshine, even in winter. The temperatures can still be a little lower than those of the regions located on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. The maximum temperatures still fluctuate between an average of 27 degrees in October and 20 degrees in February.

In addition to its pleasant and sunny climate, Morocco offers an exceptional diversity of landscapes and the possibility of practicing many activities that allow older people to stay in shape. Added to that a lower cost of living than in France, Morocco is really an ideal destination, especially in winter.

The Canary Islands

Thanks to their subtropical climate, the Spanish Canary Islands are a perfect destination for those who wish to escape the gray winter weather and enjoy numerous leisure and sporting activities to stay in shape. Temperatures are mild for most of the year and winters are very short. This region is indeed famous for its moderate temperatures which rarely drop below 19 degrees, even in the bad season.

This archipelago made up of 7 islands (Tenerife, Gran Canari, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro) offers the possibility as much to choose to relax in the sun, as to walk on beautiful beaches or hike on paths mountains or to enjoy a rich and varied cultural heritage.

The French West Indies

No need to present the advantages of Guadeloupe, Martinique and all the other islands of the French West Indies, especially in terms of climate! These sun destinations which attract many tourists, but also many seniors, during the winter have already forged their reputation.

From December to April, it is possible to enjoy these islands with paradisiacal landscapes thanks to their tropical climate which offers temperatures that average around 25 degrees. Going to winter in one of these French islands means being able to take full advantage of the cultural and natural riches, for example of Martinique, the one that is nicknamed the island of flowers. But all these French islands also offer cultural marvels of all kinds. The favorable climate also makes it possible to practice various and varied activities, outdoors, at sea, in the mountains, to stay in shape during the bad season which rages during this time in mainland France.