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5 hiking tips

This week in the news:'The Dutch walk more than other Europeans.' If you are not finished yet, or can you use new walking inspiration? We give 5 tips to make walking more fun.

Take a walk in an area you don't know
On the websites of Natuurmonumenten and you will find a nice overview of beautiful walking routes in the Netherlands. Look for routes near you, or on the other side of the country and discover new areas.

Get geocaching Treasures are hidden throughout the Netherlands. With geocaching you can see the coordinates and look for one of those cluttered 'caches'. You will find the coordinates on the website.

Bring your camera
While walking you will undoubtedly pass beautiful places. You can record everything with your camera or camera and view the environment in a different way.

Get the right equipment
Good shoes are important. If you're just walking a simple route, comfortable sneakers can be fine. For more difficult routes you can wear real hiking boots. Also take enough food and drink with you.

Choose your party
Walking alone is very relaxing, but walking with friends, partner or family provides real quality time.

Did you know that…
– The Dutch mainly walk to relax. People from Spain, England, France and Italy walk to enjoy nature.
– 27 percent of the Dutch prefer to walk alone. The Netherlands scores higher in this area than the other nationalities surveyed.