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The Santé editorial on … hiking

For many, a short walk is now the highlight of the day. This great workout has even made a huge jump in popularity as a form of exercise in times of corona. The Santé editors are also happily walking around.

'I'm not a bad weather hiker'

Ilse (digital frontend designer):“I don't feel like I've started exercising more or less since everyone has to work from home. I already worked 88 percent from home anyway, so not much has changed for me. Since I live in the outskirts of a village, I do not suffer from a closed feeling. The Dwingelderveld National Park is 300 meters from my house and the Drents Friese Wold is a few kilometers away. So if it's convenient and it's nice walking weather (I'm not a bad weather walker;-)), I like to walk here with my family. Or we take the bike to cycle around the heath and through the woods. Since we haven't lived here for very long, there are still plenty of walking and cycling routes to discover.”

Read also: ‘With these apps, walking becomes even more fun‘

'Love-hate relationship with walking'

Alexandra (art director):“I have a love-hate relationship with walking. It's too slow for me and takes a lot of time, but it also provides space and peace of mind in my head. During this corona time I try to walk 5 km one day and run the next. Sometimes this comes easy to me and the other week it's a 'drama'.

In my area I have quite a choice of different hiking areas. Beautiful forests full of fens, Kampina, Drunense Duinen, they are almost in my backyard. I think the most important thing is that you move and get outside. This gives you a fresh perspective on the day and you put a lot of small irritations into perspective.”

'The highlight of the day'

Chantal (online editor):“Before corona, I walked twice a week:on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the early morning. But I have to say, I only did that when the weather was nice. After corona I went for a walk a lot more often. Even when the weather was bad. I just have to get out or I'll go crazy. I've been in my cage all day and then a walk really feels like a liberation, an outing, or rather:the highlight of another monotonous day. I love to take a tour along the lake, over the dike or in the neighbourhood. I prefer to go at the end of the working day/around dinner time. Is it nice and quiet.”

6x the most beautiful walking routes

Looking for beautiful hiking trails? In the March issue of Santé you can find 6 fantastic walking routes. Real hiking enthusiasts tell us why they are such a fan of their favorite route.