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Rock Your Body with Jeroen Krak

"I have to start, I have to exercise." Recognizable thought. That is now completely different for Jeroen. He now regularly thinks:'when can I exercise again?'

Scooter accident

“I love moving, but when I was seventeen, a turning point took place when I got into a scooter accident and couldn't play football anymore. Because I really like exercise, I went to the gym. I had been to the gym before, but this particular time I can remember like it was yesterday. It was at a gym in Aalsmeer/de Kwakel and I came in on my crutches. The gym was huge, had a pool and a cozy cafe. I was immediately impressed, now I don't know if it was because of the lovely receptionist or the sheer amount of activities going on in that small space. Something magical happened in this place, I was sold.'

Helping people

“Six months later I started working in a gym myself. Where I got to know many people and expanded my knowledge. I saw that everyone has a different style of training. Because it appealed to me so much and I was always busy with it, I was also asked for the first time how I trained and whether I could help people. I thought that was interesting! I noticed that I could make a lot of people happy with my advice. I felt called to become a trainer.'

Rock Your Body

“But I wanted to be able to reach more, more people. That's why I started the online platform Model Workout, which has now been given a new look   Rock Your Body. We are currently doing a lot of awesome projects to help and support as many people as possible in their search for a healthy lifestyle that best suits that individual. Rok Your Body is a platform that is accessible to everyone and where you can find everything you need to start and develop a healthy lifestyle. You never stop learning, everyone has their own goal and there are countless ways of training. It never ends.'


My goal, which I share with Merel &Tessa co-founders of Rock Your Body and the toppers of The Green Happiness, is to educate as many people as possible. Give the tools to exercise, choose the right food and provide enough guidance so that it only takes willpower and discipline to actually DO it. Consistently pursuing a healthy lifestyle that best suits you as an individual and that has been chosen by no one but yourself! You decide on your own pleasure and what is good for you and what makes YOU feel good!

Healthy Lifestyle Day by Santé

During HLD by Santé you can participate in Jeroen's workout. "I will therefore tell you more about posture and the importance of good posture during training."

Rock Your Body with Jeroen Krak

View the full day program now. Tickets are available from €7.50.

Also read:Pilates Delivered delivers your workout to your home