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How do you get into training mode after the holidays?

School holidays are over in all parts of the country. It's time for rhythm and regularity again. Although there are always people who continue to train during the holidays, we notice that the majority also take a holiday from sports and healthy living. Both the gym and our online workout platform are overflowing with women who want to get fit again and lose a few holiday pounds. Does that also apply to you? Here are two tips on how to quickly get into the right training mode.

Make training a priority

Your agenda is starting to fill up again. Work, social appointments, sports/music lessons from the children... You also want to keep your house in order. The day will be over before you know it. Don't you make sports a priority and do it when you have time to spare? Then the training will kick in. So make training a priority and plan it in your agenda as you schedule other appointments. Treat this appointment with yourself like any other important appointment. Exercise creates more space in your head and gives you energy, making you more productive and efficient. Ultimately, this will save you time.

So assignment one for today:grab your agenda now and put in at least two training sessions a week for the next 4 weeks. Whether that is at your gym, running twice or playing tennis, as long as it is only two intensive moments of movement. Don't know what to do? Then start with the two training sessions that you will receive from us.

Read also :'Why varying your workouts is good for your body'

Set your alarm clock half an hour earlier

What do your mornings look like? And how does that affect the rest of your day? Most successful, productive, relaxed people start their day early. They win the morning. How? Not by checking their email and social media. Not by watching the news. What is? By making time for themselves. For example, by exercising, meditating, and preparing by planning their day (what is really important and what is not?). So they take me-time. To women, this may sound selfish. Women tend to neglect themselves for others. Do you recognize that in yourself? Then realize that that me-time in the morning ensures that you can take much better care of the rest of the day.

If you've ever slept through the alarm, or forgotten the kids' lunch box from the kitchen counter, you know all about it:starting the day in a rush and making a mistake affects your mood and productivity. However, getting up early will give you a few steps ahead, leaving you with a more relaxed and more productive day.

So get up earlier. Then do your training. This way you don't have to think about it for the rest of the day and you have more energy that day. Success guaranteed. So here's assignment two for today:get up 30 minutes earlier tomorrow (and go to bed 30 minutes earlier tonight) and use that half hour as real me-time. Think about what you are going to do next and prepare everything you need to do so. Your sports outfit if you want to exercise. Or a booklet and pen if you want to make your schedule. Enjoy this time!

We're giving away two workouts!

To get back on track, we're giving away two workouts. A 30 minute HIIT workout and a 30 minute Strength workout (the bench workout, maybe you already know this one). Go directly to the workouts here. The workouts will remain available until September 12 to encourage you to actually do them.

Who is behind Studio C Online?

Christina and Heidy are founders of the online workout platform Studio C Online.

As working moms, they know how busy life can be. With Studio C Online they therefore want to make it easier to plan sports in your life, because you can do it from home.

They offer great workouts full of variety and energy. Christina is a born entertainer. Her energy bursts through the screen. We often hear:“Christina's enthusiasm makes a workout over in no time”. “It's like Christina is in my living room.”

In this way they hope to motivate women again and again to KEEP training. This is so important. Not only for your physical health, but also for how you feel mentally.

Their studio stands for variation, variety and originality. Not a workout is the same. For example, you can choose from Studio HIIT, Studio Strength and Studio Fire. These are tough workouts, and it's better not to do them every day. In addition, you can choose from Studio Barre, Studio Sculpt (dance and aerobics in combination with arm/buttocks/core), Studio Power Pilates and Studio Stretch &Relax. These are training sessions of a lower intensity that can be nicely alternated with the heavy training sessions.
And if you are a beginner, you can start very nicely with the lighter workouts and gradually build up to the heavy workouts.

Want to try a variation of HIIT and Barre? Just in your house or garden, when it suits you? Join the Free Workout Challenge. 5 workouts in 2 weeks. You will also receive a motivational email.