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7 signs your fitness routine is working

Do you always stand in front of the mirror or on the scale after your workout to see the first improvements? Don't be afraid if your new six-pack or those pounds you wanted to lose are not immediately visible. Sports is not only a way to shape your body, it also does a lot of good for you outside of your appearance. Below are 7 signs that your fitness routine is working that have nothing to do with your appearance.

1. You stress less

Exercise can reduce your stress. Research shows that exercise causes the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline to decrease in your body. This can improve your mood, productivity, concentration and general cognition. So from now on, put on those running shoes if you want to stick someone behind the wallpaper or if your work becomes too much for you.

2. You sleep better

Regular exercise can help you sleep better. Sports improves your mood and reduces stress, so you don't lie at night worrying about what happened today, or last month, or about that one blunder from four years ago. Be careful with exercising too late:where one person becomes sleepy from a late sport session, this provides the other with an extra energy boost on. So try to find out for yourself what time it is best to exercise for your best night's sleep.

3. You feel like exercising

A clear sign that your fitness routine is working is when you start to feel like your next workout session, even though you used to try to get out of it as much as possible. This shows that you've made great strides mentally and you've found a fitness routine that you actually enjoy. Of course, physical progress can also make you want to exercise more. After all, self-confidence is a good driver for maintaining your fitness routine.

4. Your relationships become stronger

It is well known that exercising improves mood. This is because your body releases a happiness hormone, endorphins, during exercise. Happy wife, happy life, right? So try not to get angry if your partner puts on the running shoes for the umpteenth time this week, because you might reap the benefits later in the evening. And vice versa it works the same way! In addition, you can also make new relationships by exercising regularly. Whether you're taking a group class at the gym or trying out an online yoga class, exercising offers you opportunities to get to know people with similar interests.

5. You feel stronger in your daily life

Do you find yourself running up the stairs without having to puff for another minute at the top? Or can you suddenly effortlessly lift those two heavy shopping bags inside? Then your fitness routine is a success. One of the biggest benefits of exercising is increasing strength in your daily life. Tasks that used to be difficult for you or where you felt like you had to pull out all the stops to get them done now seem a breeze. Just a little while and you won't need any help with redecorating the whole house.

6. Your health improves

There are countless health benefits from exercising regularly. For example, research shows that exercise can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and even some forms of cancer. You can also lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels by exercising more often. Are you struggling with health problems that you can measure on the basis of numbers, such as elevated blood pressure, cholesterol or sugar levels? Then you will find that the right fitness routine for you can lead to an improvement in these values. So don't just exercise for that extra tight stomach, but above all strive for a healthier body.

7. You put yourself at the top

Have you finally managed to say 'no' when people want to meet at your chosen sports moment? Do you stand your ground when a new episode of your favorite TV series airs on your standard running time? Then you have learned to put yourself at the top. You choose the healthiest choice and will continue this in your other choices from now on. This way you probably dare to choose for yourself more often and to invest in yourself. Whether in the form of a self-care evening or starting a business that you have been thinking about for some time. Who knows, the time and effort you put into regular exercise could teach you more about yourself and what you can do in life. Try it out!