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Have you been exhausted since your return from vacation? Scientists explain why!

Generally, after the summer holidays, we come back to the office more motivated and re-energized than ever. This year, it seems a little turned upside down. Whether we've left or not, morale isn't looking good for many of us. Some feel more tired than before their holidays , others no longer have any motivation to go to the office. Well, as sad as this general state is, there is a scientific explanation behind it. Indeed, this fatigue would be linked to the covid19 . Experts speak of pandemic fatigue , or a wear and tear of this health crisis.

Pandemic fatigue:the trend we could do without

The World Health Organization (WHO) had already looked into the subject last fall. After 6 months of health crisis, before the second confinement, fatigue was felt among the French. 1 year later, and still in the midst of a health crisis, things haven't gotten better. This is by analyzing an Odexa poll on a small panel of 1005 French people representative of the population aged 18 and over for the Leurquin-Mediolanum laboratories, that this phenomenon has resurfaced. According to this survey, 40% of French people feel more tired than before the crisis. This year, holidays were not synonymous with rest, since only26% of respondents feel more rested than before the holidays. This result is 8 points lower than in a survey published in 2017.

Pandemic fatigue:what are the symptoms

From one person to another, this pandemic fatigue does not feel the same way. It is therefore not always easy to detect and is easily confused with chronic fatigue. It still has very specific symptoms that help us know if we are suffering from it or not. It is often manifested by physical and/or nervous fatigue , a loss of interest , a demotivation or by a low morale . This pandemic fatigue plays a negative role in our decisions and our choices. We tend to withdraw into ourselves and find it difficult to concentrate. It can even have an impact on sleep quality. The symptom that worries scientists is the loosening of health barriers. Pandemic fatigue pushes us to detach ourselves from what binds us to the health crisis.