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Breast cancer:this TikTok user explains how to perform self-examination techniques

In France,60,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer , every year. In essence, 1 in 9 women will suffer from cancer in her lifetime and 1 in 27 women will die of it. And even though we tend to think that breast cancer is "treatable" , it remains violent for the affected person. And apart from the regular appointments recommended with the gynecologist , it is always useful to know how to touch yourself and thus, potentially, detect a size abnormal. As with all tumors, the sooner it is caught, the better it will be treated and cured. For this reason, Cynthia , a TikToker 36, who had breast cancer herself, decided to explain how to proceed.

Self-palpation to prevent breast cancer

With the help of a video entitled "how to detect cancer yourself (self-examination)", this one explains all the steps to follow . "Today I'm going to show you how to self-palpate yourself. That's how I found my cancer" . Indeed, it is in 2016 that she learns about her cancer , after sensing something was wrong while she was in her shower. At 31, the verdict falls:“I am going out and I have no idea where to go, I have no information about the hospital to choose”, confides the woman to HuffPost Life . After a mastectomy, chemotherapy and a breast reconstruction and five years later, Cynthia is cured . But, according to her, women are not sufficiently informed on the subject. "We are told, especially during Pink October, 'feel up, feel out', but then what happens? We are really abandoned " , she explains. "I am only condensing in a very short format what exists on the site of the League against cancer . But the reality is that people don't read" . Can we read in the columns of HuffPost Life .

"With the flat of 3 fingers the middle of the hand, arms along the body:Make circles , from outside to inside, roll and press around the breast . Palpate gently at first, then more firmly. When you get to the nipple, you can squeeze the nipple to see if there are any leaks. Repeat the movement with the arm raised behind the head. Make circles around the breast , squeeze the nipple, check the armpit, around the armpit, under the collarbone, under the neck. Repeat these operations for the other breast but also while lying down » . Cynthia reminds us that these gestures should be done "carefully" from 20 years old , once a month, at least three days after menstruation and for five minutes.