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Breakfast:Here's the reason why you shouldn't eat sweets in the morning

The awakening rings. It is still early. You're one step away from putting off your alarm clock yet again and skipping breakfast . Too bad, you'll take a packet of biscuits on the road. But, even after that packet of cookies, your stomach is screaming at 10:30 a.m. You don't find this normal, and you wonder what could be wrong with you. In fact, it's completely normal. To avoid having these cravings unexpected in the middle of the mid-morning , we should stop eating sweets in the morning and take the time to cook something substantial. We have long criticized the English and their breakfast , but they were right all along.

The importance of not getting our bodies used to eating sugar on an empty stomach

First, you have to go back a little further to understand why the human body is not accustomed to consuming industrial products and sweet in the morning. Indeed, our ancestors did not consume sugar and even less pain au chocolat, spread or pancakes. Our body has therefore never assimilated the sugar as soon as we wake up . Then it is a logical process . Eating fast sugar in the morning when we are fasting causes too much sugar to enter your blood . As a result, your body wants to defend itself and thus control glycaemia (the level of glucose/sugar present in the blood). In short, a signal is sent to your pancreas which will then produce insulin, which makes it possible to lower blood sugar levels . Except that this defense process leads to hypoglycemia and therefore to a demand for food.

In essence, even if one has the impression of satiety after having swallowed a pain au chocolat, the sugar level present in the blood will relapse very quickly, which will create these cravings. This will create a vicious circle. The more sweet you eat in the morning, the more the body will be in demand of sugar all day. Sugar calls for sugar . It is neither good for your health, nor good for the weight . It is therefore absolutely necessary to forget white bread, cereals, fruit juices, spreads or jam. We prefer to makescrambled eggs or on the dish, eat a chicken breast or avocado .