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Anti-aging drink:the youth smoothie that Reese Witherspoon can't live without!

For more than 25 years now, Reese Witherspoon has been making Hollywood sparkle with her angelic face that seems not to suffer from the pangs of time; a young face who once again stunned when she appeared in May 2019 alongside her daughter Ava (19) at the launch, in New York, of season 2 of the series Big Little Lees; mother and daughter, despite being 23 years apart, look alike like two drops of water.

So certainly, if we calculate that the life of stars must drastically reduce the constraints of existence and thereby the marks of time on the face, Reese Witherspoon has been compelled, every day for ten years, to a ritual well precise to curb the inevitable imprint of time. The actress drinks a “Glowing Green Smoothie” every morning for breakfast. Drink whose recipe she delivered last May on Instagram with the peach and the smile that we know her.

Green Smoothie:the drink for perfect skin but also much stronger hair and nails

An elixir of youth that the Oscar-winning actress in 2006 for her role as June Carter in the Johnny Cash biopic Walk the line owes another Hollywood star. It was indeed the actress Kerry Washington who, ten years ago, gave her the recipe for the "Glowing Green Smoothie “, invented by the famous American nutritionist Kimberly Snyder. “I once sat next to Kerry Washington at an awards show. I didn't really know her, but I told her :‘Your skin is so beautiful. What's your secret?' And Kerry answered me : ‘I think it is thanks to this drink that I drink. It totally changed my skin and made my hair and nails much stronger’ . It was on! “, explains the actress in the video below.

Makes about two smoothies


  • 2 heads of romaine lettuce
  • ½ cup spinach
  • ½ cup coconut water
  • 1 pear
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana (without skin)
  • 1 lemon (without skin)
  • A few stalks of celery (optional)
  • Almond butter (optional)

In a blender, mix all the ingredients and all you have to do is enjoy!